AMI : Association Maison Intègre
In November 2022, we founded the Association Maison Intègre (AMI) which aims to develop, support and accompany the community of bronze craftsmen in Burkina Faso. Our approach to proximity and our constant presence in the field allow us to act in full knowledge of local issues and challenges.
With this association we want to provide regular help to craftsmen and their families. Access to education and health as well as support for women will be at the heart of our commitment.
We want to create a virtuous environment that benefits an entire community over time. Burkina Faso is undergoing an unprecedented security, economic and health crisis. Arts and crafts are no longer a priority and risk disappearing, leaving dozens of families without resources and without prospects.
This country located in a complex geographical area must manage a multitude of problems related to development: access to education, health, water, and the consequences of climate change which is gradually affecting it.
Since 2015, Burkina Faso has been hit hard by a major security crisis. The terrorist threat weighs on the country and armed attacks are regularly carried out. Nearly one person in 10 is displaced by this conflict, nearly 2 million people out of the 20 million inhabitants of Burkina Faso. This security situation is increasingly isolating artisans from international trade. Almost the entire country is now in the red zone, which excludes any tourist activity.
Bronze craftsmen, who for decades had tourism and major historical cultural events in Burkina Faso as their main outlets, are now cut off from these international exchanges and are gradually being forced to abandon their activity. The SIAO (International Crafts Fair of Ouagadougou) or the FESPACO (Pan-African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou) no longer generate sufficient opportunities to promote Burkinabe know-how.
In this difficult context, it seems essential to us to continue our projects, and to give as many work opportunities as possible to craftsmen. It is for all these reasons that we wish to continue our commitment to the community of bronzesmiths and their families as well as to continue the development of our workshop.
AMI wishes to work towards populations in precarious situations (craftsmen in the informal economy sector). Our mission is to develop their potential and allow them better economic, social and cultural integration. Our support will allow the community of craftsmen with whom we collaborate to receive technical training related to bronze crafts. Their know-how can be broadened and strengthened in order to participate in quality production and to receive fair and equitable income. We want to promote intercultural exchanges, and for this, work to organize events to present the productions to the general public.
The means of action of the association are information, awareness, training, support and development of skills, talents and local know-how in the service of development.
This is made possible in particular thanks to the investment in the tools, materials and any other element necessary for the practice of the trade of bronzier. The association acts to support the entire community in the areas of education and health.
The association allows the raising of funding to support its projects as well as all other related activities necessary to achieve its objectives.

The approaches of the association are information, awareness, training, support and the development of skills, talents and local know-how in the service of development. This is made possible in particular thanks to the investment in the tools, materials and any other element necessary for the practice of the trade of bronzier. The association acts to support the entire community in the areas of education and health. The association allows the raising of funding to support its projects as well as all other related activities necessary to achieve its objectives.
Can be a member of the Association Maison Intègre any natural or legal person respecting the present statutes and wishing to lead the fight for the achievement of the aforementioned objectives. That is to say, contribute to the resolution of problems related to the development of Burkina Faso through the promotion of the trade of bronze craftsman and other local craft trades as well as by supporting access to health and education and fighting against the destruction of the environment and natural resources.
The members of AMI invest their time and energy to support the traditional crafts of Burkina Faso, and to promote the development of everything that revolves around it, in particular access to education and health.
By making a donation to AMI you support these actions and enable action.
AMI being an association, the donations made entitle you to a tax reduction.
The Association Maison Intègre, abbreviated as AMI, is a secular, apolitical, and non-profit association under Burkinabè law. It is governed by Law No. 064-2015/CNT of October 20, 2015, on freedom of association in Burkina Faso.